Friday 30 December 2011

Cozier Cousins

WARNING: if you were getting sick of the mushy Christmas blogs, you may want to give this one a miss as I have a feeling that it may go down the same road...

Last night me, my sister (Nicola) and my cousin (Natalie) hosted a first cousin and their families dinner.  We had a fantastic evening, and it again highlighted to me how lucky I am to have such a lovely family.  As far as I am aware no one had to be forced to be there, all the significant others and their children all came happily (they looked happy anyways).  We had a great meal, which everyone contributed to, a few drinks and as usual a lot of chat (everyone talking at the same time, just as I like it).  I learnt a lot more about Bajan history and facts (did you know the grapefruit comes from here) and by the end of the night the few remaining had a brilliant time reminiscing and catching up.  Have I mentioned how much i love my family ;)
Nats frying the fish

James, Vicki, Robert, Amanda (me), Nicola, Natalie and Craig

Now the significant others

1 comment:

  1. Great time Amanda and thank you so much for bringing us all together. We all get so tangled up in our work and private lives that it takes you and Nic to come here and shake us out of our slumber.
