Tuesday 30 April 2024

Sebastian's School

This morning Sebastian had his student led conference.  He took us to school this morning and showed us all around the EY centre.  There were stations in his class to show his motor skills, writing, maths and book making.  Then he could take us to other places in the centre where they had clay, painting, musical instruments and much more.  It really is an amazing set up and he was very proud to show us around.

His book was about his jelly fish sting.  In this story the robots came to save him.
And he has 9 letters, which is much harder than his best friends who only have 3 and 4 ;)!

Monday 29 April 2024

Quiet Weekend

After last weekend and a very sick Sebastian last week, a calm weekend was needed.  Although on reflection it did not feel so calm.  Sebastian was all about seeing the friends he missed at school all week so really my weekend was about making that happen.  And it was tiring.  Mayra, Luis's Mum, has not been out to much because Sebastian was sick and the heat.  It is crazy hot.  I mean like almost 40 degrees at 8am hot.  I still am okay, but know that most people find it beyond bearable.  We did manage a short dinner out on Saturday to the one place Sebastian will go, Tony's. 

We also braved the mall to get Sebastian some new shorts along with the billion people escaping the heat.  Then we melted on the way back in traffic.

There is nothing fun here, it is pretty un kid friendly and for some reason he loves it. 

Thursday 25 April 2024

Spoilt at School

The greatest thing about teaching, the thing that keeps me in it is 100% the students.  I have some great relationships with them and they always keep me laughing (well except when they have me crying!).  My homeroom made me this beautiful poster surprise and so many came to wish me a happy, it definitely made my birthday that much better.

Poem from Kano year 10:

Ms. Amanda and madona math,

Clear all solutions in her path.

Ms. Amanda the dating advisor

Situationships will never surprise her.

She’s 21 and got some rizz,

Kind and cool is what she is.

Winners will one of her timbits,

Plus and minus is Sebastian's limit.

Everyday we enjoy her class,

The joy in her face no teacher can surpass.

Our teacher that brings joy and fun,

Happy birthday Ms.Amanda and enjoy 21.

And my new bike and helmet!

Monday 22 April 2024

21 Again on the 21st

What was I thinking!  The last guest left at 2am and I had planned a birthday Sunday Roast with Sebastian's friends and their parents the best day.  I was up at 6:30am cleaning and putting our flat back together.  We went for lunch and then I came back to cook.  There were several times where I needed to think about if I had made a sane decision.  But it was great and Sebastian and the kids had a lovely time.  A wonderful birthday weekend but am happy to put it behind me and have a rest now!

I love planning things, so really both parties gave me such happiness! A great birthday!

Prohibition Party - Speakeasy

Saturday was the big party.  I had been planning and making decorations for ages.  When I was in Vietnam someone mentioned how it is impossible to have good house parties in the city.  This was like a red flag to a bull.  I emptied our living room and dining room of all furniture and created an underground speakeasy bar.  I had a silent movie projected, bought a bar and had 5 cocktails that I made for people almost all night.

My great friend Chris was the chef and served food all night.  He even had secret meat going out if people knew the password.  I did not even know until I found a secret note the ext day (he thought it felt the prohibition theme).

My smuggled in booze boxes.

My side kick and helper.

2am the last guests left.  House party a success!