Wednesday 28 February 2024

Taipei 101

Our last evening we went downtown to see Taipei 101, one of the tallest buildings in the world.  As I mentioned in an earlier post it is quite amazing the behaviour of the children here.  It reminded me of our trip to Seoul, all the children were dressed beautifully and seemed super well behaved.  In fact, like Seoul everyone seems immaculately dressed and straight from a salon.  I would like to think our children were a bit freer but I cannot be sure this is the case.  One thing I have loved is the order that I miss from Switzerland even if it drove me crazy in the end there.  When I moved to Quito I remember how people took an escalator drove me nuts, as it does in Thailand.  Everyone stands anywhere and you can never get by if you want to go faster.  I was very use to the Swiss way with rules on escalators, or with anything really.  

It is sad how much joy this gave me!

This was super cool.  The ball that stabilizes the building in earthquakes or/and typhoons.  There were videos to show you what happens in this case. 

On the sky deck we were in the clouds.  The kids loved it.

Taipei Hot Springs

The last couple of days have been full of hot spring adventures.  On Tuesday we started our day by checking out the American School of Taipei (Jacqui and Quinlan's new school).  We followed this with a Sebastian and mummy date at a Lebanese restaurant, I could not believe how much Sebastian ate.  It is such a win when he eats something new.  We then returned home in time for the children to finish school and then headed up the mountain to see the hot springs.  

Lovely and stinky! What I really find hard in Bangkok is how long it gets to be in nature.  Jacqui lives about a two minute drive from the start of a beautiful national park in the mountains.  The Hot springs a 10 minute bus ride.  Yesterday me and Sebastian then headed to Hot Springs we could swim in.  It was a beautiful day and the springs had some great views of the city.

A great day out together.

Monday 26 February 2024

Taipei Car Fun

Yesterday we returned to Taipei and after some games at home headed to one of the children's favourite spots.  I was pretty sure it would be a hit with Sebastian and it was.  In fact, I was very tempted to get my own car but did not want to look silly.  But just as we were leaving I saw adult racing by in a toy BMW and kicked myself for not asking.  I should have taken a picture of all the cars they had.  Every Paw Patrol, Mario kart, fancy race car, police cars, firetrucks, like 100's.  We then had a lovely dinner as the children played arcade games.

It was a great evening.

Taiwan Kiddies

From what I have so far, Taiwan has some wonderfully behaved, polite children.  I am not sure we represented the Western children or perhaps parents so well.  I do not think this wonderful hotel had ever had the pleasure of hosting children such as ours.  Full of energy, running, chasing, yelling, super excited and loosely listening to their mothers.  This was a hotel with a million families as it has the lake and amazing indoor centre.  All the children were so crazy well behaved.  Calm, no running madly, no yelling and always listening to their adults.  It was quite amazing.  Everyone has been so nice, polite and even with a big language barrier going out of their way to help us.  And even thought the long weekend in the hotel might have shaved a year or two off Jacqui and myself's life, it was worth it to see how happy the little ones were.

Boat ride.

A veggie restaurant, what a find by Jacqui.  Again, I am not sure what they thought when we descended on them.  Tonnes of games, and energy. We also did not really understand the menu so we ordered enough for about 20 people.
Everyone parked their prams in the right spot and it was so orderly.
Learning UNO, somewhat successful.
They are too cute.

Saturday 24 February 2024

Taipei, Tawain

Yesterday was one of the longest days of my life.  In fact, it was really like a 48 hour long day.  After I stayed out a wee bit late the night before at wine club I managed to drag myself up at 6am to start my day.  First, of course, I had to get through school, that in itself was quite the challenge.  After, I came home to pack and get Sebastian ready to leave at 7pm in plenty of time for our 11pm flight.  We arrived in Taipei wide awake and ready for the start of our holiday. Surprisingly, Sebastian did not even sleep for the hour taxi's ride to Jacqui's apartment.  Everyone then got up to start the adventures.  We headed out for a beautiful morning walk and breakfast.  We then got ready for our taxi to the Lakeshore hotel in Hsinchu.  This hotel was what all the children were dying for.  I have never seen a play centre like in a hotel.  It was freezing and I would never go anywhere near it if Sebastian was not with me.  Basically a kid 's dream, adults nightmare.  

They are so happy to be together again.  It is very sweet and I am also super happy to see Auntie Jacqui again.
After very little sleep the night before, and a full day from 5am playing he was exhausted.  Sebastian literally fell a sleep mid sentence.