Sunday 10 April 2016

Prolonging Reports

Writing reports can be a tedious, long, boring repetitive process.  I get it, it is great to give the students meaningful feedback but it is still a long process.  So usually I leave it, like most things, to the very last minute.  This quarter I was under the impression they were due on Friday April 15th and learnt on Friday afternoon they are actually due on Monday morning 8am.  So what does one do, when they have a hundred reports to write in two days...

Well first they invite the people over who realised that reports were due Monday and consequently finished them for a Margarita Friday.
Then wake up late on Saturday and spend the entire day searching for the best way to get Lola to Phuket.  Trying to get her to go in her crate again and the odd time looking blankly at the report screen.

Which brings me to Sunday morning where I thought I would get more done in a coffee shop with John in a similar boat.  The ice cream chocolate coffee thing and idle chit chat may have gotten in the way a bit. So now it is Sunday at 5pm and I thought it was best to write this blog before settling down to complete these reports.  I of course will check the all in important, never changing, a bit rubbish Facebook first and then I am on it!


  1. Oh no! You poor thing. Having being married to a teacher (now retired) for nearly 40 years I know just what a drag report writing can be. Guessing you pulled an all nighter?

    Why is Lola going to Phuket? Didn't you just move into a new apartment? Also sympathize there too as we shipped Corona 3,000 miles from the US to the UK nearly two years ago.

  2. I survived! Doing some last minute edits now.. Yep, we did just move and we are moving in July to a new job in Phuket! Busy summer for us! Big congrats on all the grand babies!!! x
