Thursday 27 August 2015

Middle School

This has been the longest week of my teaching career, ever. I cannot believe it is only Thursday, Tuesday feels like weeks ago. Who could have imagined the transition to middle school from high school could be so huge! It isn't like I have not taught these ages before(in my other schools there was no separation of the two sections), but it is totally different when it is a separate school. I am not sure I can totally put my finger on why. I think the grade 8's stay younger, as now they are the oldest of the school. Whereas in other schools I have taught at the secondary school has started in grade 6 so by grade 8 they have had a few years of influence from the much older grades. I also do not remember grade 6 being so little and have to watch my jokes and my teasing of them (already made someone tear up by suggesting they might have a crush on another student, something I regularly did last year). Besides just the changes of the kids and teachers around me, the school has massively stepped up their use of technology, all of a sudden I need to keep up with posts on edmodo (much like Facebook for teaching) and helping them keep up with their academic blog.
But I am excited, looking forward to a year of learning for me and them. I am excited to be implementing my favourite program, Challenge by Choice, learning how to use technology in the class room and remembering what is age appropriate!

Just outside my classroom, after being stuck up in the tower last year away from everyone, I am excited to have people around and this beautiful garden to sit in.

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