Tuesday 18 October 2011

A Tribute to Mothers

For those who have read previous posts you will know I spent the last week with one of my best friends and her baby girl (for those who did not read prior posts you know now). We had a lovely holiday and besides being a wonderful time with a brilliant friend it was also a learning experience...
To be a mother is not easy. Now I know this sounds fairly obvious and I never thought it was a walk in the park but I just did not appreciate it fully. Do not get me wrong, Ainsley is a brilliant baby and very very well behaved, Amy adores her and they are a very happy mother and daughter. But oh my god, it is hard work, constantly looking after and caring for a person unable to tell you why they are crying, not eating, not sleeping etc. I was exhausted just watching Amy. And I do not remember being a baby but I do remember being a teenager, so I know this job gets no easier.
So to all mothers out there, you are amazing and deserve more than one mothering Sunday (mothers day) a year, you should be told everyday what an amazing job you are doing. To all people with mothers give them a call and tell them how wonderful they are!

SIDE NOTE: not everyone will understand what I mean by this, but this experience has definitely convinced me that Bruton turkey basting bingo maynot be the best idea ever ;)

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