Thursday 20 October 2011

Boarding Queues

Okay, first a warning this is a mini rant, but it has always bothered me and maybe someone out there could explain to me why people do this. So every time I travel, I watch hundreds of people queue to board their plane. Even though boarding has not been called yet, even though they all have assigned seats, even though they have checked in and bags are on the plane. They stand with their kids for an hour waiting and waiting.. Today I sat and drank my diet coke, ate my blueberry muffin, read the paper and watched these people huff and puff in a massive queue and bloody boarding had not even been called yet. Once boarding had been called, my coke drank, muffin ate, suduko done (well almost), queue done, I got up, showed my boarding card and walked straight on the plane, sat down and relaxed for take off.
So for those of you queue plane people, maybe you could explain why? Or maybe I have just helped you and you did not realise you could relax and watch all else queue while you drink your dc and eat your muffin.


  1. I do the same as you Amanda.. its strange.. however.. think about it... if everyone did as we did we'd all get up at the same time and there would be a massive queue! So keep it quiet otherwise they'll steal your idea! ;-) x

  2. Since when did you ever get to an airport with time to spare eating muffins and chilling out??! The only airport experiences that I've had with you involve a lot of running as the announcer says "last call for flight ... " :-)

  3. Both fair points!! Vince, you are right, queue standers you have the right idea and keep standing around waiting... Anonymous, you are also quite right. The honest truth is I accidentally got to the airport almost two hours prior to flight (got the departure time wrong ;))
