Tuesday 4 October 2011

Honeymoon ending...

Apparently, in October the honeymoon period starts wearing off...  The new staff realise that this is not just a holiday and that they are here for good (okay, that is slightly dramatic but for a while at least).  They start missing family, friends and items from home, the weather changes and they still cannot speak the language (well in most cases anyways).  
So yesterday I realised that I had been here for exactly two months and I suppose I am beginning to realise that this is not just a holiday.  I really wanted my quorn sausages for breakfast, my Robinson's fruit squash, my wood Lola walk, my sister, my friends, my pub (well local pub, not actually mine), my wine and soda (no soda here) and being able to communicate with people.  I am not trying to complain, I know I have an amazing opportunity, and beautiful places to explore.  But I know this blog makes it seem like I am living a dream, and most times I am and I know I am lucky.  But I just wanted all to know that I miss home(s), I miss you, and I would love to see you here sometime soon..

(PS- if you do come could you bring one or more of the following ;)  )
* quorn sausages        * Robinson's no sugar added squash      * Kraft dinner
* bajan pepper sauce  * flying fish                                         * rum

1 comment:

  1. BTW - the order i put the things I miss is totally not the order I miss things in, it is just the first thing I missed esterday morning!
