Monday 23 March 2015

Wisdom about Wisdom

First thing I have learnt is that when people tell you horror stories about taking out wisdom teeth, they are not lying. Yep, it hurts like hell, and the after math ain't pretty but it is only teeth and the wounds will heal. But I have learnt some other key things, what in the world do they charge thousands of dollars/pounds in other parts of the world for...! All you really need is some huge Ecuadorian (biggest I have ever seen), a little bit of drugs and dentistfied pliers. Really, if you are getting them out, take that money, come visit me (probably same as flight) and spend a hundred bucks to get it done here.
The other key thing that I have learnt, well not learnt, but was reminded of is how lucky I am have to Luis. Not only did he take me and hold my hand while the big huge man yanked out my teeth, in the midst of the pain he almost had me burst into laughter (which may have made things worse had man slit my tounge off or something). He kept saying (without even realising), 'I am so proud of you', 'It is almost out', 'Oh I can see it', 'Just one last bit of pain', I can imagine that is just what he would have said if I had been having a baby (well that is what they say in the films anyway). It was so funny to me, it made it slightly more bearable.
(Here is where I was going to put picture of them, as I took them, but thought may seem gross to most).

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