Tuesday 15 July 2014

Bye Bye Suzanna

Well it is a sad sad day, I am trying my best to keep a brave face on but it is not easy (my large glass of bubbles is hardly helping at all).  I have just come back from a meal in France with Dad, Karen and Suzanna which was not only lovely but also the last one I will have one with Suzanna for a long while.  Tomorrow she is setting off to London, and next weekend she will be beginning a huge adventure on the London to Mongolia rally with a questionable van and a team of people she has yet to meet.  While I am very excited for her and this amazing venture I am so sad to see the end of an era.  I am actually not sure how I functioned for so many years without her, she has been so many things to me I am not sure where to begin.  I have learnt how to be tidy (well tidier), to clean as I go (well not my bedroom so much), how to organise and pay bills (well 80% of them at least), how to see the positive in everything (although I am always battling this one), plus many other things that I am hoping I will continue in Quito.  But as helpful as these things are, it is nothing compared to the friendship she has shown me over the years, she always goes out of her way for me (well all her friends in fact) she is, kind, helpful, caring, fun, funny, just to name a few of her great qualities, and Lola and I will miss her tremendously. 
 Although she has had many fare wells recently to me it really started to hit me on Friday night with her 'leaving drinks' night.
 Lola will also feel the tremendous loss, who is going to hunt with her now?
 She had masses of people come to wish her well, old friends and new ones.
 And all will miss her, but...
 ...I am sure, none...
...as much as me.  Suzanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a tremendous friend over the years.  I know you prefer a 'firm handshake' send off but sorry I am sending loads of love, hugs and yep even kisses! xoxoxoxox

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