Thursday 16 January 2014

No regrets

A friend of mine posted an article about dying people's 37 top regrets.  I think it is a really good list and as I did not really post a list (like I usually do) about things I want to accomplish this year, I thought keeping these in mind was a good resolution for the new year.  So I have gone through and checked the ones that I do, or need to work on or do not do at all.  I think it is a good list for anyone..
1) Not travelling when you had the chance. (check, think I do this)
2) Not learning another language (going to try very hard to learn Spanish this year)
3) Staying in a bad relationship (check, got out of all these so far! Need to work on actually having a good one)
4) Forgoing sunscreen (okay, I stink at this, always forget, but going to make big effort this year not too)
5) Missing the chance to see your favourite musicians (check, seen the fabulous Madonna loads)
6) Being afraid to do things. (I am only afraid of things worth being scared of, so check!)
7) Failing to make physical activity a priority. (Check, safe to say this has become very big in last 6 months)
8) Letting yourself be defined by gender roles (oh no, I am a teacher!)
9) Not quitting a terrible job. (Check have done this before)
10) Not trying harder in school. (too late anyways)
11) Not realising how beautiful you are. (Hmmmm)
12) Being afraid to say 'I love you' (Check, I tell all my loved ones all the time)
13) Not listening to your parents advice (I think I do this)
14) Spending your youth self absorbed. (too late for me now)
15) Caring too much what other people think. (I definitely need to work on this!)
16) Supporting the dreams others over your own. (think I am okay here)
17) Wasting time, not making decisions fast enough. (Have made this error before, will not again!)
18) Holding grudges (never do)
19) Not standing up for yourself. (very guilty of this, need to work on it)
20) Not volunteering enough. (Guilty again, but making a big life change this summer to fix)
21) Neglecting your teeth, maybe annoying but better than losing. (who has time to floss! I better start)
22) Missing the chance to talk to your grandparents (too late, but did)
23) Working too much. (working on life/work balance this year)
24) Not learning how to cook one good meal. (working on it)
25) Not stopping to appreciate the moment. (think i do)
26) Failing to finish what you start. (think I do finish what I start)
27) Never mastering one awesome party trick. (nope, not yet)
28) Letting yourself be defined by cultural expectations. (try not to be, think this is really important and to many people let themselves be defined)
29) Refusing to let friendships run their course. (need to be better at this)
30) Not playing enough with your kids (I play a lot with Lola)
31) Never taking a big risk (especially in love). (have done this, and will do again, for and not for love)
32) Not taking time to develop contacts and network. (think have managed so far)
33) Worrying too much. (guilty)
34) Getting caught up in needless drama. (damn, I usually am the drama)
35) Not spending enough time with loved ones. (miss my family all the time)
36) Never performing in front of others. (I do five days a week)
37) Not being grateful sooner. (grateful everyday)
So I have a few things to work on, I think it is a really good check list.  How did you do?

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