Wednesday 14 September 2011

Lola's Apology

Lola wanted me to apologise on her behalf (she said she felt too guilty to even type).  In her remarks about coming to Basel, she forgot to mention what a great mover Ben was and wall of support for her.  She also wanted me to mention what a fabulous time she had with him while I was in the UK (even though she had to sit cross legged on the sofa for hours waiting for him to wake up!).  She loves him very much, and hopes he will visit again and is sorry she left him out :(


  1. Oh nooo! Thank you for your message but you are going to make me cry! :( My Lola was hit by a car about 3 months ago. That is the meaning of my last blog post- I am having a very hard time with it, my heart is broken. But it's nice to see that there is another dynamic Amanda-Lola duo out there! Please hug and kiss your Lolie for me, and thanks for getting in touch! (Hope this wasn't too much of a bummer comment).

  2. Oh my goodess, I am so so sorry!!!! I undersstand, I would be a mess. I will give her a big hug and kiss and know your Lola is running through lovely open fields with lots of smells and other dogs in doggie heaven...
