Sunday 1 September 2024

My Girl

Saturday I took Lola to vet to get some pain meds for her legs.  The vet shocked me by telling me that Lola needed some further tests and concluded that she was not in very good shape. In fact, that the end was possibly much closer than I had ever thought.  I am not sure they have ever seen someone sob like I did at that moment.  I took her home and am all about spoiling her now.  We took her to one of her favourite spots, Craft yesterday and we all had a great day.  In fact, I know I might be in denial but I woke up today feeling very hopeful.  She seemed much better and really wanting to drink and eat.  It would not be the first time that Lola defied a vet, that is for sure!

I just cannot imagine my life without here.  Not ready, so lets hope this vet was just plain wrong!

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