Monday 16 September 2024

Tribute to Lola

This blog will forever be AmandaandLola, my adventures really took off when we met and I will continue them with her in my heart forever.  I compiled this short video for the family.  It really could have been an hour a long, but I thought that was a bit much.  Lola we love you and miss you.  The struggle has been real the last few days.  Luis had friends from Ecuador fly in Sunday, which is actually a good distraction.  But last night they went out to dinner, Sebastian to bed and I sat watching TV alone for the first time in well about 18.9 years.  It was strange.

Love you Lola Cola.

Lola and Social Media

I go back and forth with social media but at times like this it is so comforting.  Between facebook, Insta and even emails I have had over 250 messages about Lola.  And not just saying sorry for your loss but from people all over the world whose lives she touched.   Memories of her, things I had forgotten and the utmost respect for what she meant to me (not just a dog and that it was expected at her age).  Lola was so loved from people all over the world and it has so helped to read all of these messages.   These are just a few of the many.

She really did have so many amazing adventures.  I had forgotten that she use to agility train in the UK, about some of her great escapes to the pub in Bruton and so much more.  I am so lucky to have had such an amazing dog that left a mark with so many people.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Head in Sand

I decided Friday that being at home was not an option. Therefore we came to the beach where I have been keeping my head deep in the sand.  As I have not told Sebastian yet, I can really pretend Lola is just at home.  Unfortunately, we have to go back today, I will have to tell Sebastian and I will have to learn to accept it.  Here are some pictures of a weekend of pretending.

Sebastian made a new friend, I saw a friend and it was nice to get away.  But now it’s time to go home :(

Friday 13 September 2024

Pepsi Cola Lola

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I say that Lola has now passed on.  She was my best friend, my most loyal companion, my first child, sister to Sebastian and my rock for almost two decades. Nothing cheered me up more than a cuddle or walk with Lola.  I have no idea how to process this yet.  I do know life will never look the same without her. Lola saw me threw so many huge moments and I will miss her more than I could ever imagine. She was the best companion I could have dreamed for.  Lola Cola I love you.

Still smiling four days before she left us.  A fighter till the very end.

Sunday 8 September 2024

Lola Cola

Well a second vet also concluded that Lola is very poorly.  Nothing I did not know, everything I am finding it hard to accept.  It was a Lola Cola weekend, filled with park time and outdoor time with her.  Sometimes I think she seems to seem her good old self.  I cannot help think the vets are wrong and have given her doses of drugs that are making her worse.  I am reaching but just not sure what else to do.  It was a nice weekend either way.  Lola was cuddled loads and Sebastian had his best day ever yesterday, he spent the whole day with Willa and even went to her house for dinner (first time ever on his own).  I did stop by to pick him up and ended up playing a great cooperative game.

Sebastian was so happy he discovered paddle boats in the park.  I did not have any money and he was even more proud of himself when he discovered it was free.

I need these type of games.  Sebastian played it so nicely.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Hat Day 2024 and Lola

It has been a tricky week.  Lola has been cuddly and lovely, I have been hoping to see her spring up ready for some play or walks but it looks less likely every day.  I am finding this tremendously difficult and not sure how I will reconcile this.

Last night, we had a nice distraction with preparation for this years creative hat day.  This year Sebastian was much more active in the production.  Even if it was not totally symmetrical I appreciated all his creativity and tried to stay uninvolved.  He was a proud boy wearing his hat his morning.   Thankfully, I have a non teacher friend who sent me photos of their run way production of the hats.

The making of the hat.

I need to find out who this new friend is! His run way buddy!

Sebastian's crew.

Sunday 1 September 2024

My Girl

Saturday I took Lola to vet to get some pain meds for her legs.  The vet shocked me by telling me that Lola needed some further tests and concluded that she was not in very good shape. In fact, that the end was possibly much closer than I had ever thought.  I am not sure they have ever seen someone sob like I did at that moment.  I took her home and am all about spoiling her now.  We took her to one of her favourite spots, Craft yesterday and we all had a great day.  In fact, I know I might be in denial but I woke up today feeling very hopeful.  She seemed much better and really wanting to drink and eat.  It would not be the first time that Lola defied a vet, that is for sure!

I just cannot imagine my life without here.  Not ready, so lets hope this vet was just plain wrong!

Nadia and David Out on the Town

We started the weekend by showing Nadia and David some of our favourite spots in the neighbourhood.  In fact the last stop we went to they could pretty much roll home it is so close.  We left all the kids watching a movie with Nanny Nin, Sebastian was over the moon.  The pub crawl started at the Jamacian pub and ended with our favourite local alley bar.  It involved some games, dancing and a lot of laughs.

David ended the night by organising a Tuktuk to take him to ours and wait for them to bring down the kids.  I was very impressed with his level of communication to be able to do this successfully!