Wednesday 7 August 2024

Pichincha, Old Town, Dinner, Bye Bye

My final full day in Ecuador 2024 was a busy one.  We started off by going up Pichincha Volcano where we could see the whole of Quito. Oh and even before that on our way to the volcano we stopped at our old flat to show my sister and Freda. After leaving the mountain we went to the worlds highest amusement park where we were hoping to take kids on a rollercoaster.  But it was not working! They did get to go on a few rides though before we met the family and went to the Old Town. We also rode the new subway to the Old Town which was a new adventure for all.  It was lovely, very clean and got us across the city in no time.  We walked around the square, had a super long coffee break and  eventually headed back to Cumbaya. Here is where I made a fantastic decision of having dinner at a new restaurant called Lucia. The food was great and the children had the best time playing and making new friends.  It was a crazy busy day but a good last one of the trip.

Our old flat.

Volcano Park

Reflecting on the day, it was pretty great.  There was some room for improvement as we tried to fit a lot in.  But as I look at the pictures I am glad we made the memories we did that day and I am especially glad we got to have dinner at Lucia!  It also marked my final day with Nicola and Freda for some time.  What a magical time we had.  Two and a bit years difference in age is huge when they are so young, but despite that Freda and Sebastian did have a great time together and Sebastian is still always asking for her from the minute she left. I cannot wait for our continued adventures together.  A great end to a busy yet wonderful summer. Back to Bangkok I go!

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