Saturday 20 July 2024

Santa Cruz, Galapagos Island

I loved my trip to Galapagos 7 years ago, it certainly is an amazing place.  The minute Sebastian was born Luis wanted to bring him there.  I was not convinced that the age was correct for the price.  It seemed to be a reasonably price trip at first and then went up and up.  But Luis got his wish and we landed in Santa Cruz on Tuesday.  It was a very stressful start, and we almost did not make our flights.  But we did.  We landed to a cool Santa Cruz (summer months are cooler at 22 degrees) and headed to the turtles.  I have to admit that I was not overly pleased about going this time, I felt the price was not worth it and that Sebastian was too young.  However, the minute he saw the turtles I knew he would love the trip.

We also visited lava tunnels at the turtles.

Sebastian loved the turtles but he truly fell in love with all the sea lions.

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