Monday 27 May 2024


I cannot believe Mayra had not met Asit and Charu and she has been here five weeks.  Time just seems to fly by, I mean I know that is always the way but now it seems at ultra speed (and it really does, you can look up the Mathematics behind why time goes faster as we age).  Lucky we rectified the situation just in time and we all went to lunch Saturday.  And what a lunch, Charu and Asit spoiled us rotten and we enjoyed a long leisurely lunch together.  I then literally ran home to get ready for graduation and ran out the door.  I forgot to take pictures of the event as was just so behind, I cannot believe I messed that up.  After a long ceremony I then went to meet Matt, Chris and Kerry for dinner.  We had a lovely evening, even if I was a tad bit tired.  It was great to catch up with Matt and look forward to our next adventure somewhere in this world.

The summer vacation count day is really on now! Only three weeks of this academic year left. 

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