Tuesday 8 January 2013

Little Miss. Sunshine

The great thing about life is you are forever learning. For instance, I think I am known by many for saying 'I would never...' and then end up doing exactly that thing (will probably end up living in Northern Russia with 22 kids), anyways I am going to try and stop saying this saying. What I have learnt about myself this week is that it is not actually snow and cold I really hate (contrary to what I have been preaching for decades), but gloomy, gray, yucky days and what I really truly love is the sunshine (hot, warm or cold). As long as the sun is shining I am a happy girl, and therefore have had another fantabulous day on the slopes...

My team (branded Team Garwood, by me)



  1. Really having snow envy this year! I'm sure it's much nicer in the sunshine tho'. I started a blog last week!!! look for me at http://vickibarbados.wordpress.com/
    It will not be as glamorous as yours but I will try. Lots of love XXX
