Wednesday 25 September 2024

Memories of Lola by Mummy

Lola, Lola Cola, Pepsi Cola, Lolikins, best friend, sister, daughter.

It was a cold day in November where I traveled down to a farm in Devon to look at some Jack Russell puppies.  The owners of the farm told me the puppies were in a big box in the barn and were really not moving about yet.  I entered the barn and this puppy broke through and tumbled over the other 6, out of the box and came bounding straight towards me.  And that was it,  it was Amanda and Lola for the next 19 years.

We spent her first 6 years in Bruton, where  we were an inseparable pair.  It is here where Lola started to become a master of escape.  I would be at The Sun Inn working, a few streets away and she would somehow break out of the house and end up beside me in the pub.  People knew that if they invited me to dinner, they got both of us.  She loved the hills of Somerset, we spent many a day exploring the landscapes around us.  After six years she was ready for an adventure so off to Basel we went.   

Lola continued to be a master of escape here, twice jumping out of our third floor building due to some thunder and lightning.  One time after hours of scouring the city, a friend thought to go check the train station as we lived quite close. A train conductor heard Clair yelling and came running over, he had found Lola boarding a train to Lake Como.  She always did have good taste.  For three years we enjoyed hiking the mountains together, but Lola decided we should head to South America in search of a Daddy.

We left in 2014 for Ecuador and shortly after our arrival her dream came true.  On a trip to the Cloud Forest, Lola met the Daddy of her dreams.  We were in a local bar, when Lola saw Luis.  She gave him her best smile and wagging tale.  Luis could not resist her and that was it Lola had found the best Daddy for her family.   Here in Ecuador she loved the mountains but especially the beach, in particular Canoa.  Here she spent lots of time with her newly expanding family.  One time she even barked at me like crazy for an hour trying to warn me of the imminent earthquake.  I didn't quite understand but was so thankful that she was beside me and Luis for the next 12 hours trying to help the people of Canoa.  Soon after Luis officially became part of our team and we were off to Phuket.

In Phuket Lola decided she was really ready for a brother.  She was so happy when I was pregnant with Sebastian, she lied beside my big belly and made sure we were always safe.  I remember the day we returned from England and I introduced her to her new brother, Sebastian. She was so excited and slept beside him every day.  She made sure no one messed with her brother.

Eight months later, we got separated by Covid, and Lola fought for six months to get reunited with us in our new home in The Bahamas.  She made a long journey of 48 hours, in a small crate, to get to us.  She was pretty sick after, the vet was unsure if she would get better.  But he did not know our Lola Cola.  Within a month she was running up and down our beach with her brother Sebastian.   Two years of beach runs, and we were on our way back to what we did not know would be her last set of adventures.

Lola spent her golden years here in Bangkok.  With her loving family.  We had Lola days out as much as we could, and took her all over Thailand for holidays and weekends.  She was a lover of the beach, mountains but most of all hanging out with her family.  The other night Sebastian asked me if Lola could speak, I said yes, but not in the normal way.  I always knew what Lola was saying.  Sebastian, she told me every day how much she loved her brother and how proud of you she was.  Luis, she told me that you were the best Daddy ever and she loved all your adventures together. 

The one, the only, Lola Cola, she will always be part of our family.  


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