Monday 20 May 2024

Brunch, Bluey and Pizza

Sunday was a busy day.  First, I dropped Sebastian at the drama place he likes for a full day of Bluey activities.  Then killed some time shopping before heading to a leavers lunch.  Back to the drama place to see his performance, I much preferred when him and Willa had their own private workshop!  Then we went home to make pizza from scratch, inspired from lunch the day before.

Lots leaving, going to miss this one!
The performance.

Pizza success! Although, it was not very yummy, they pretended it was and ate all!

Espanol Cena

Luis's Mum is having a wonderful time but I imagine it is frustrating only to have Luis to talk to.  We struggle through tidbits of conversation but that is probably even more frustrating for her.   For that reason and also to catch up with some people, we had a dinner Saturday night with our Spanish speakers.  Andie and Luis were friends in Quito when they were small, therefore it was great that Mayra got to see her again.  Chris, is my Math buddy and one of my favourites.  He says his Spanish is rubbish but it is pretty fabulous to me!  We both cooked and had a great evening.  Sebastian even celebrate his 'unbirthday' which he just saw on his favourite show.  Very helpful as an unbirthday is exactly as sounds, every day but one.

Friday 17 May 2024

Sebastian and Mummy Brunch

I had Sebastian all lined up for football this morning and at the last minute he flat out refused to go.  I had a whole morning planned that went totally out of the window.  Luis tried to convince us to join them at Chatchuk Market (I believe the worlds biggest market) with him and his Mum.  Luis tried to convince me it would be fun.  But there was no way I was going there.  Instead Sebastian and myself had a morning at the pool followed by an Italian brunch.  

I already knew I made the right decision and then Luis sent me this. Hahahhahhaha!

We had a delicious lunch and Sebastian learnt how to make pizza from scratch.

Monkey Pod Staff Social

 Friday was quite the day and I was more than thankful that the social committee organised an event.  Even better at Monkey Pod, end of our road.   It was great to debrief with some of my favourite people. 

I only went for a couple hours but enough time to decompress and speak to some people about things not involving school and kids.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Mother's Day (round 2)

The great thing about having a few Nationalities is things like choosing a winning country for sporting events (Canada Ice hockey, England Football, West Indies cricket..), different holidays (Halloween, Canada Day, Guy Fawkes) and having multiple Mother's Day.  It also gives Luis a second chance in case he forgets the first one.  This year I got both, mainly as Luis's Mum is here and they have Mother's Day yesterday.  After my race I was spoilt to breakfast from Sebastian and then a lunch from Luis.  Sebastian was so sweet taking us to breakfast, he told us to just follow him he had a spot.  And that Lola was also allowed and he was right.

Feeling very lucky to have such a wonderful son!

Saturday 11 May 2024

Bangkok Race for my Dad

Seven years ago this very weekend I ran a 5km race in Phuket.  I have never been a good runner and found it a hard thing to do but in the end I loved it.  Probably as I conquered something I thought I never.  And my Dad was so proud, I told him 10km was next and he told me 'No, our family are short distance runners and I should just work on that.  And also save my knees.'  A few months later he told us he was sick and a few months after that he passed.  I could just not face another race.  This morning I finally did another one.  It was way more emotional than I could ever have thought, I had tears, smiles and well just like most days missed my Dad loads.  But I did it, faster than I did 7 years ago and coming home to a super proud Sebastian was amazing.  

Arrived at 5:30am

Getting ready to go.
This morning.
Seven years ago.  Dad that race was for you and so was today's.

Lola Smiles

Poor Lola had visions of a long retirement in the beaches of the Bahamas and then we dragged her to a massive city.  I try my best to give her the best life in her ripe old age of 18 but it isn’t easy.  She needs a lot of help now, which I am happy to provide and long walks are off the table.  But yesterday I saw her smiling like I haven’t for ages.  I took her to the pool and Felicity’s girls treated her like royalty.  Lola was one happy girl.

Friday 10 May 2024

Charlie Brown's More Mexican

Sebastian seems more up to trying new restaurants and things these days.  Usually, he will only (happily) go to one, so I was very surprised that he agreed to go to Charlie Brown's Mexican (he would have had to go anyways but much better when he walks rather than carried kicking and screaming!).  And it was lovely and we stayed for hours which is another hard sell.  The hats help and the fun atmosphere are certainly a win.  I was hoping he would explore more than nachos, but baby steps!

A great family outing with Mayra.  She also go to hear some of her home language another bonus!