Saturday, 11 May 2019

Sugar Free, Booze Free

I am one lucky lady to have the friends that I do.  Last night Ruth and Adam had us over for a sugar and alcohol free dinner.  Now this is was an unexpected, unnecessary but much appreciated gesture.  They made such an effort to make sure all the food was on my new approved list of foods.  To make such an effort with the food is one thing but then for all only to have water with dinner takes it to a new level (although to be clear, I am not crazy and would not have minded in the least if they had a drink).

 I tried to make some extra special hummus, found this great recipe, even had tahini (a very hard ingredient to get here).  But prego brain got in the way and for some unknown reason without thinking I added half a cup of lemon squash.  You have never ever tasted hummus so foul in your life.  I was hoping maybe I invented some new amazing dip, but no never try this.
 The hosts, from day one of our arrival in Thailand they have helped us and continue to be super supportive lovely friends.
 Even Lola got an invite and she has been known to be a bit nasty to Bella in the past.  But she has totally mellowed in her old age, I think she has reflected and decided it is much nicer just to be kind.
A great evening out, a rare occasion these days, but one that we must try to do more often as imagine it will be an even rarer occurrence in a few months!

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