Saturday, 14 July 2018


Seems like I am having a B holiday, which is great as we all know B is the best letter.  I have left Barbados to come to Bucharest and will also be checking off Buckinghamshire, Bristol, Bruton, really I just needed to fit Basel in some where and it would have been perfect.  However, many of my Basel friends are here in Bucharest for Maria and Doug's wedding, so no need this trip..
I arrive yesterday evening after an exhausting day and night of traveling but once I saw everyone was wide awake and had a great first night.

 Some images of old Bucharest.  Lovely place, so beautiful and then some old communist buildings in between.

 Fun dinner to kick off the whole event

 The fabulous couple!
 Mini Prosecco!! Maria's little sister, who is not so little any more and just beautiful!!
Now off for some food and then the beach :)

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