Thursday, 28 July 2016

Last Full Quito Day.. for now

I cannot believe it, tomorrow me and Lola will be on our way to join Luis (who left today) in Phuket!  It is a strange feeling having no idea what to expect in just a few days.  We still have to find a place to live, explore the place and I have to get my head around a new job!
It has been a great two years, full of some pretty major life changing events. The biggest of course is meeting Luis, I feel so blessed and lucky to have such a great man in my life and cannot wait to start this new adventure together.  I got to live in Ecuador, I have now been to the jungle, cloud forest, the galapagos, I have seen some truly amazing things here.  I also had some events that were life changing but not ones that I care to ever repeat, a gun point robbery and of course the major Earth quake in April.  But I cannot say I did not learn a lot about my self and actually other people through these.
And of course I will miss all the fabulous people I spent these years with, many of them scattered around the world now, and a few still here.  I also have a new extended family, the Endara´s who are kind, generous and pretty much alround fabulous.
Tomorrow when I get on the plane it will be with a sad heart.  I also know Lola will miss it here loads, she has loved it very much.

 We have spent the morning in Lola´s favourite park, and tonight will have dinner with the man who got me to come here and made all these experiences possible, Mark.  Next stop Phuket!

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Getting Close!

What a ridiculous crazy time the last week has been, who knew that moving was going to be such a long process!! Every day the list of things to do seems to be getting longer, it is never ending.  But now we are really hitting the deadline to finish all with Luis flying out very early tomorrow morning.  I will then fly on Friday with Lola, we are trying to save a little money (or maybe we think we should behave like the Royal family and not fly together).
Tonight will be Luis´s last family meal in Quito before he leaves tomorrow.  I imagine it will be very tearful, they will all miss each other loads.  I guess I am a bit use to it by now, not that I do not miss my family each and every day, just more use to the goodbyes. 

We have spent quite a bit of time with them which has been really nice.  I even  cooked a big lasanga lunch on Sunday, which I must say looked really good (of course I could not eat it as I made it with meat).  I also made two fabulous salads that I was very pour of!

 I have no idea why this is turning like this, will find away to fix it.  The original table, but the family brought a tent.
 Which was a good idea in theory, but the sun positioned itself that the tent did nothing to shelter all (fine by me!).

 My lunch
 Sobrinos and Sobrina
.A lovely family day. 

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Endara and San Pablo Lake

Yesterday was Endara family day, we went to a lake near Otavalo called San Pablo.  Lunch was meant to be at two but in keeping with Endara tradition the lunch was more about four! But I love this about my Endara family, it also gave us some extra time to shop around Otavalo (is the big indigenious market in Ecuador).  

 The family, just missing Havier, my new brother in law.  It was a lovely lunch with beautiful views.  We are having another lunch today, cooked by me :)

Friday, 22 July 2016

Gracais Canoa

Thank you Canoa for such a fantastic week and lovely honeymoon.  We had such a lovely time, we love the hostal we stay at and our new friends there, the towns people, the food, the beach and all the volunteers there.
My final thoughts are different than my initial ones.  You can see that something has happened here, the rubble is mainly cleared but when walking up and down the small streets there is still more to be done.  We also learnt that many other buildings still need to come down.  But my thoughts about the people remain unchanged, their spirit is unblieveable.  I also can see what a fantastic job the organisations are doing and how well organised thier effort is.  Most are staying for two years and who knows maybe longer, they are organised, efficient and most importantly trusted by the people.
We were sad to leave and now ar very very busy trying to get ready to move next week!
 Luna, really the boss of the hostel
 She loved Luis and we spent most days playing with her
 Lola on the beach, her favourite place to be
 Lola exhausted after long day
Lorena and Diego owners of Hostel Alamur, we love them!

Monday, 18 July 2016

Camp Saman

Yesterday Luis and I visited one of the two camps sheltering families near by Canoa. One of the camps is run by the government and the one we went to is run by a group of volunteers who live in Cuenca but are from all over the world. They are truly amazing and what they have created is just fantastic. Currently there are 35 families in their camp but they expect more to come.  The atmosphere here is up beat and optimistic.  Everyone in the camp has a job on site to keep the place running smoothly, they are growing food and learning about composting their waste.  They all have their own small kithen beside their tents but also a big communal area where they have activites and big meals at times.  Every week each person is given 8 points and they spend this at their shop on site (funded by donations and has pretty much everything).   We went for the day to give some toys and clothes we had brought and join in their bingo game (I was very disappointed not to have won a prize).
 Camp Entrance

 One of the wonderful volunteers and camp founder, Deana
 The tents
Children choosing toys
 My non winning bingo card

 Luis giving a prize to someone who had a winning board!
Lola tried to play but decided bingo was a bit boring for her.

The place has such amazing spirit and for some people it is a better situation than before the earth quake.  There is zero tolerence for domestic violence which is common in the area.  The camp offers counciling if it is an issue, but there are no second chances.  There is no alcohol permitted, which has also had a dramatic impact in dropping the violence.  They make the rules together and come together to meet and discuss when there is a problem.  Many of the women cannot read or write and this is something else that they are trying to help with.  
I had such a great day and was so happy to see the people optimisitic and building towards a new bright future. 

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Canoa three months later

Yesterday we arrived back to Canoa, today marks three months from the earth quake. These are my thoughts and observations so far.
We drove from Quito and hit the coast at Perenales, one of the towns/small city worst affected by the earthquake. You would never know you are in the same place as you were just over three months ago. It use to be full of tall buildings a bustling place of business and now it is a small town with very few buildings at all. We then travelled South down the coast to Canoa. The road is still being fixed and you can see the immense damage the earthquake caused all along the route. There are many camps set up and tents in place of destroyed homes.
We then arrived in Canoa, what use to be a small town is now half its size. Finding our hostel was tricky for a minute as all our usual land marks were gone. The restaurant that Dominica was trapped under is a distant memory with a few bricks still remaining in its place. A whole street of restaurants and houses has just disappeared and in its place empty lots. But the rubble is cleared and if you did not know what happened it may even look normal to you.
We checked in and then realised we needed to send something to Peru (Thai visa stuff) so we headed to Bahia, 14km's away, the nearest 'city'. From a distance it does not look bad, loads of tall buildings still stand. But once you get there, you see the total devastation. Most buildings are just waiting to come down. When looking for a post office or delivery service people just laughed at us and said there is noting left here. Eventually a cab driver said we could follow him in our car and took us to a small room in a broken building that now operates as a marriage place/license place/post office and probably a million other functions. Here you could see just how devastating the earthquake was and still is.
But the thing that has struck me the most is how incredible the human spirit is. In that small office young couples were getting married, getting their drivers license and people were laughing and chatting and celebrating, life has gone on. Back in Canoa the beach bars still had people at night, playing music together and singing, children are still playing football everywhere, shops have been made out of bamboo, there is even a spa outside of our hostel in a tent. The tourism has changed, the remaining hostels and hotels have some guests, they are the doctors, vets, volunteers, that are here to help. We had long chats to the owners of our hostel, now friends for life, the experience having bonded us. The volunteers are helping the industry but of course they need more tourism to come back. And people should.
Besides the obvious structural changes in Canoa nothing else has changed. The beach is still beautiful, the food being served in restaurants is fantastic and the people are more beautiful than ever. It is a place not to be missed out on travels.
I will miss this place loads when we leave Ecuador and for now will enjoy our small honeymoon here trying to help a bit where we can.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

More Pictures..

Since losing 90 percent of my blog pictures I am now saving photos in about one hundred locations.  And as I am spending the morning in an internet cafe, I thought I would post a few more that have been shared with me before I lose them again!

 These are taking a long long time to download and I am late for an Endara family lunch! Prepared to be bored to tears another day with photos!

Monday, 11 July 2016

Back to Hubbie

After a lovely relaxing ten days in Barbados (on my own) it was time to return to my husband and see what married life is all about.  So far so good, returning to beautiful flowers and a spotless home.  Today we are running around like crazy trying to sort Thai Visa before heading to the Coast at the end of the week.
I definitely left Barbados with a heavy heart though, knowing it will be some time till we get there, UK (hopefully here sooner as much easier to get too) or Canada to see my fabulous family. I had a great time though having dinner with friends and family, chilling at the beach and walking loads.
 Dinner with Vicki and Nat for all their wedding help
 Day at the beach with the kiddies

 A mexican meal prepared by yours truly before departing the next day.  Full of fun and laughs.  Now back in Quito, and as I always say thrilled to be back with my two L´s.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Jodi and Quiz

I have been having a lovely few days.  I have been relaxing, beaching, reading walking (upcoming blog on this), and spending time with friends and family.  On Tuesday night me and my beautiful God Daughter Jodi spent some quality time out for dinner.  She is such a lovely girl and it was great to hear about her first year in secondary school and the fact there is no boy friend on the scene...yet.

And last night was very exciting, in fact a big highlight of the year.  Our small team of four, originally meant to be a family team (but most cousins wimped out), won the Cruising Club pub quiz by one point.  And there were nine teams no small feat!  And even more amazingly, I got lots of questions and even the 8 point question that secured the win at the end.

This is our small victorious team. I am still relishing in our win!

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Family Time

Well the last guests have left and I have so many fabulous memories of the last two weeks to take away with me.  Now I have just under a week to spend with my wonderful family who I feel like I have not seen at all.  So bring on a week of relaxing at the beach during the day and calm dinners at night.

 I started the family time on Sunday when Robert and Rosette took me to a friends party.  To be fair this did not end up being too calm, but hey ho we did have a great time.
Last night after all had departed me and Aunty Andy went to dinner together.  As per usual we had a lovely time chatting and catching up.  Then I went home for the longest sleep I have had in ages! It was definitely needed.

Monday, 4 July 2016

Basel BBQ July 2nd

Today the Basel peeps had us over for a BBQ.  All my guests found great places to stay and this place was no exception.  It is beautiful, great location and even better price.  I cannot believe they ever left it, I would have been tempted to stay at the property the entire time.  I was very glad they shared it with us and now have loads of properties that I can recommend to visitors.

 It really has been great to spend some quality time with them.  I wish I had had more time to do that with everyone at the wedding.  I guess all will have to come to Phuket!